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Presentation at the Dutch National Bank: technological innovation, regulatory governance, and regulator reputation
How should regulatory agencies react to emerging innovations in their field? How can they govern the risks of innovations when their mandate does not yet cover new technologies? And how can regulator reputation help bridge gaps in formal authority?
On 27 February, Dr Lauren A. Fahy gave a presentation at the Dutch National Bank addressing these topics. Dr Fahy drew on a case study of the UK financial conduct regulator’s governance of emerging technologies like cryptocurrency and AI. She presented results from her interviews and surveys with ‘fintech’ companies; discussing how the UK regulator’s reputation for openness to innovation, competence, and procedural rigour helped drive business participation in the governance process. In attendance were employees of the DNB, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets, and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
If you want to know more about this topic, read the dissertation of Dr. Fahy here.
Photo: @iStock / Veronika Oliinyk